Sunday, August 16, 2015


A View of  the Greenland Lake, PHOTO CREDIT:
It must have been an amazing experience, in our childhood ,to see the  water evaporating  from the container when its kept on flames. A bowl full of water gone in a few minutes.But what if a billions of gallons of water just vanish in a couple of hours??

This is what  happened in Greenland’s lakes or disappearing lakes. ’’The images would show the lakes there one day and gone the next day!”,said the first author of new study,Laura Stevens,A glaciology doctoral candidate with MIT-WHOI joint program.

Pictorial understanding of the phenomenon.PHOTO CREDITS;

The reason for this phenomenon was explained that the movement of Greenland ice-sheet can cause large cracks to swallow billions of gallons of water in a few hours.Later researchers determined that this was possibly because of the giant hydro fracture that was formed directly beneath the lake basin and stretch to the bed of ice-sheet,draining the lake. ”this is less likely to occur at higher elevation” , say scientists.

The north lake present in south western Greenland was the first lake where this was reported, A mile wide crater was left at the lake,after this within the span of a week. Lan Howat,professor at Ohio state university who studied the crater said the findings were catastrophic.
Catastrophic view of lake.PHOTO CREDITS;

A team from Cornell university discovered the second lake and found that  they were emptied and filled again as a stored heat is produced which can alter the composition of ice.this is further increased when overflowing melt water holds back the ice sheet drainage system which creates a blowout.

“If enough water is pouring down into the Greenland ice-sheet for us to see the same glacial lake empties and refills again then there must be so much of latent heat released under the ice that we had expect it to change the large scale behavior of ice sheet”,Micheal Bevis ,an earth scientist at Ohio state university said.

“The fact that our lakes appear to have been stable for atleast several decades and then drained in the matter of hours after a few hot summers,may signal a fundamental change happening to the icesheet ” said Howat.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder- a new ray for ozone layer's recovery

It seems like the stability of Stratospheric ozone can be recovered with a new scientific device called - The Superconducting Submillimeter-Wave Limb-Emission Sounder (SMILES), the first onboard mechanically cooled superconducting mixer and high resolution mixture for measuring minor atmospheric constituents of stratospheric and mesospheric chemistry. SMILES has shown its excellent performance by collecting huge amount of statistical data for a whole of six-months until it encountered a problem. As the data was analyzed, piles of information were collected from it.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sea Cucumbers - The key to preserve coral reefs

Saturday, January 28, 2012

New magnetic soap could stop oil spills

What kind of soap is this ? Is it true that it could stop the oil spills occuring in the sea? Lets find it is true or not!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Study Of Earth's Crust for CLIMATE INSIGHTS

Is not it surprising to know that the latest evidence of the dominant role humans play in changing Earth's climate comes from observations of deep molten core rather than from Earth's ocean, atmosphere, or land surface.

A NASA/university study of data on Earth's rotation, movements in Earth's molten core and global surface air temperatures has uncovered interesting correlations. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Production of biofuel from forests will lead to increase in greenhouse emission

Greenhouse effect had led to increase in Carbon dioxide as the trees have been cut for the source of bio fuels. A team from Oregon University suggested that if more and more trees  from forests will be cut down then there might be an increase in the greenhouse effect and later we can face difficulties. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pole Shifting of EARTH!

Earth's protective magnetic field
Earth is the only planet known so far where there is existence of life. We all know very well that earth has a magnetic field which protects us from many harmful things of outer space. But  few of us only know that the poles of the earth also shift their positions in the course of time.And, according to scientists, such a time is fast approaching.