Monday, October 17, 2011

Pole Shifting of EARTH!

Earth's protective magnetic field
Earth is the only planet known so far where there is existence of life. We all know very well that earth has a magnetic field which protects us from many harmful things of outer space. But  few of us only know that the poles of the earth also shift their positions in the course of time.And, according to scientists, such a time is fast approaching.

From many observations it has been confirmed that earth has a magnetic field with its magnetic north near the geographic south and magnetic south near geographic north pole. The magnetic field of the earth has an intensity of 0.25-0.65 gauss caused by the dynamo action of the iron core. However, an interesting fact about this magnetic field is that the poles of the earth's magnetic field interchange their positions, at approximately equal time intervals, although the rate of reversals change over time.

These geomagnetic reversals do not have a highly specific pattern of occurrence, preventing scientists to predict with a greater degree  of precision the exact year or a decade when this geomagnetic reversal would occur or how long would it be before the two poles again set at their new positions. However scientists believe that such a reversal would last at least for 10 million years. Some geomagnetic reversal  periods, according to scientists, might take a period of more than 30 million years like the Creatceous Normal Superchron. The latest noted geomagnetic reversal is the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal.

It has been noted that there is a strong deterioration in the intensity of magnetic field at present. It has been declining at a rate of about 10-15% in the last 150 years and has accelerated in the past years. However scientists say that the rate of deterioration and the current strength are within the normal range of
variation, in spite of predicting a geomagnetic reversal in the coming years.However it has been observed that the north pole is drifting from Canada to Siberia and is still accelerating.

However, we do not know what could be the consequences of such a geomagnetic reversal because no known records of an experience of a pole shift exists.We know that this magnetic field protects us from cosmic radiations but can we still exist without such a field? May be because our ape ancestors might have survived such reversals. There are many explanations to provide a substitute to the magnetic field during such a reversal but none has been confirmed with full certainty. Many believe that such a  reversal is a possible cause of the so called 2012 apocalypse.

In my opinion, since modern human race have never experienced such a pole shift nor any account of such experience has been found in history, the impact of such a reversal is still unpredictable with theories explaining a substitute magnetic fiel during the pole shift period.

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